Track & Arena Sands
Clay & Mineral manufacture and supply various track and arena sands for a wide range of applications across Adelaide and South Australia. Whether you’re building a new track or arena or seeking to maintain or improve your existing facilities, we have the expertise and materials for your application.
We manufacture and supply:
- Washed track/arena sands
- Coarse track/arena sands
- Shellgrit
Clay & Mineral work together with clients to ensure project specific requirements such as desired particle size distribution and permeability are achieved.
Choosing the right sand can create a wonderful experience and avoid problems that can become expensive in the long run, as not every type of sand is suitable for horse hooves. The sand can impact the performance of the surface; whether it becomes too tight, too loose, or just right, or if it is soft or hard, and how much dust is produced. Sand grading, shape, and distribution of sand particles is essential to choosing the best sand for the horse.
Good grading for horse arena or track sand consists of coarse sand particles which will help to keep the footing firm without compacting it. Silica sand is generally used for horse arenas due to the hardness of the sand particle. It is a natural sand that resists weather and breakdown due to the hardness, so lasts longer.
If there are too many fine particles in the sand, it can lead to compaction which is not ideal.
Sands should provide good drainage, whether covered or exposed to the elements, and have very little clay content to limit dust production.
Shellgrit is an alternative to sands on horse tracks and arenas. Shellgrit is a naturally occurring material produced by the oceans and seas of the world. It is broken or ground seashells and has a low density which makes it much lighter than an equivalent sand product. It does wear down over time and will need replacing but is a wonderful product to work with due to its light and fluffy nature.